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This has the same benefits as changing font color, since a color within an otherwise black/white interface instantly demands attention. The trick here is to generally choose very light, desaturated color, so it wont hurt the contrast. This technique is also the one that works best when large parts of a text needs to be highlighted, as it turns into more of a graphical background element than a change to the text, and therefore introduce less text noise although the overall design noise can of course still be considerable. As a rule of thumb max 10% of your content should be highlighted. The less you highlight, the more attention your highlights will receive. As an avid reader of your blog, I would really to see articles that deal with much more complex stuff than this.

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In the hands of the unskilled, the risk of damage is greatly increased, if not inevitable. For homeowners previously unaware of this danger, it has cost them dearly. Don't fall victim to this. Pressure washing requires SKILL and KNOWLEDGE. No common Joe can move the spray wand more accurately, more consistently, and more effectively, than the qualified power washing specialist. Fail to realize the skill of the trade and you may be setting yourself up for unwanted dissatisfaction and costly damage.

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Many dogs also enjoy water, with owners using swimming as a regular form of exercise for their pets. Swimming is a useful form of physical exertion. The muscles work hard, but because of the buoyancy of the body in water, the joints are not stressed by the full weight of the animal. Swimming can be especially beneficial for animals recovering from injuries, or for older animals suffering from arthritis. During hot spells, it can be a way of exercising animals thats less likely to lead to overheating: every year, dogs collapse during walks on sunny days from hyperthermia; swimming in cold water avoids this risk. Dog owners are being warned today about a dangerous poison thats become more common in ponds and lakes across the UK after the recent hot spell: blue green algae. Dogs are at risk when they drink or swim in water where theres been an algal bloom, typically seen in stagnant pools of water after warm, calm weather. These blooms are often concentrated on the windward side of ponds, lakes or reservoirs, so its well worth checking these areas out for visible signs of green or blue slime or scum before allowing a pet access to the water. If theres a known problem, local authorities often erect warning signs, but you cant depend on being warned in this way: a new algal growth can appear in a clean body of water at any time. Theres a range of different types of algal blooms, each producing a different type of poison. There are three main types of toxins: one causes liver failure, and the other two are neurotoxins.

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From 2002 through 2012, he was the U. S. Armed Forces Medical Examiner and assisted in such high profile investigations as the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia, US casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, and terrorist deaths including Saddam Hussein and his sons. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, his office provided DNA expertise to assist with the identification of storm victims. Dr. Mallak serves on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Medical Examiners, on the College of American Pathologists Forensic Pathology Committee, and is a fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Dr. Darin P. Trelka received his bachelor of arts degree in psychology from Washington and Jefferson College in 1992. He went on to earn a Ph. D.

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An author may intend to be as accurate as possible in his writing, only including facts and objective data, but he can never step outside himself or the language he has been given to achieve full objectivity. In other words, some texts may be more accurate than others, but none are objective representations of an external reality. The terms creative or literary non fiction have been used to describe a blending of fictional and non fictional elements in contemporary novels Minot, 2002. This blended genre is, "distinguished by three basic characteristics: it is based on actual events, characters, and places; it is written with a specialconcern for language; and it tends to be more informal and personal than other types of non fiction writing" p. 1. Based on these characteristics, the expository fiction presented here can be considered the opposite of literary non fiction. In expository fiction, the actual events, characters and places are fictitious, the structures used to present information conform to expository textual demands, and the fictional nature of the information is presented in a more traditionally expository manner to persuade the reader of the proposed reality of the content. Genres are in constant flux. The instability of genres leads to the blending or hybridization or genres Kress, 2003. There are no "pure" genres available as new works change the nature of each genre, extending its parameters and altering the semiotic resources that are drawn upon in the creative process. This is not necessarily problematic, but it does challenge readers to understand what these blended genres present and the stance one needs to assume during the act of reading.

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